Corona Missions

Corona Reconnaissance Satellite

Corona is the name of a series of strategic reconnaissance satellites of the USA to acquire classified photographic imagery during the Cold War period. The Corona program began on June 1959 and ended in May 1972. Over this period, there were 145 Corona missions, of which 102 were successful. Altogether, over 800,000 images were collected. Declassified on February 24, 1995, these photographs constitute a valuable source of historical information for the study of environmental changes.

When the Corona satellite camera was first used, it only had a resolution of about 40 feet (13m). By the end of the program, the resolution of the satellite camera was enhanced to 6 feet (2m).

In the early missions, the satellite was orbiting at an altitude of 104 miles – 145 miles (160 km -180 km). In later missions it orbited at a lower altitude of about 76 miles (121 km). The weight of the satellite was about one ton during the early stage and rising to about 1¾ tons in the mid-1960s. The frame format of the panoramic camera was about 2.18 inches x 29.8 inches (5.54 cm x 75.70 cm). Each frame covered a ground area of about 8.6 miles x 117 miles (14 km x 188 km).

Films taken by the camera were contained in a capsule. The satellite was designed to de-orbit the film capsules from space to earth near Hawaii. The film buckets were to be recovered in mid-air by a specially equipped aircraft during their parachute descent. The buckets were designed to float on the water for a short period of time, so that if the plane missed the buckets, navy ships can retrieve them, and then to sink if the recovery failed.

The Corona satellites were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A and KH-4B. KH stood for "Key Hole”. The whole program was operational over a 13-year period. The Corona photos presented on this chart were taken on December 13, 1969 with a resolution of 6 feet (2 m).




在早期的任務,這顆衛星在104英里至145英里(160公里至180公里)高空的軌道運行。在後來的任務,它在大約76英里(121公里)的較低高度運行。衛星的重量早期約為1噸,在60年代中期提升至1¾噸。全景相機的框架格式大約是2.18×29.8英寸(5.54厘米至75.70厘米)。每個框架覆蓋約8.6英里 × 117英里(14公里 × 188公里)的地面面積。


「科隆拿」系统包括以下各式衛星: KH-1,KH-2,KH-3,KH-4,KH-4A和KH-4B。KH代表“鑰匙孔”,整個系统已運行了13年。這張圖表的「科隆拿」照片是KH-4型衛星在1969年12月13日拍攝的,分辨率為6呎(2米)。

Landsat Missions

Landsat Earth Observation Satellite

Landsat was called ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) when it was first launched in 1972. This series of earth observation satellites was renamed Landsat in 1995. Subsequently 7 satellites had been put into orbit in succession. Landsat 5 was launched on March 1, 1984 and acquired colour images of only 30 m resolution. Landsat-7 was launched on April 15, 1999 to collect panchromatic images of 15m resolution and multispectral images of 30 m resolution. On May 31, 2003, the Scan Line Corrector of the satellite failed resulting in loss of about 22% of the data in a single scene, although the satellite is still in operation. The satellite orbits the Earth at an altitude of 705 km and revisits the same area at an interval of 16 days. Each scene acquired by the satellite covers an area of 185 km x 170 km.

With Landsat 5 retiring in early 2013 and leaving Landsat 7 as the only on-orbit satellite, Landsat 8 was launched on February 11, 2013 to ensure the continued acquisition and availability of Landsat data. Weighing about 2 tons and orbiting at an altitude of 705 km (438 mi), the satellite carries Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). The OLI collects a panchromatic band of 15 m resolution and 7 multispectral bands of 30 m resolution. The TIRS collects 2 thermal bands of 100 m resolution, but are resampled to 30 m in delivered data product.

Unlike the Corona satellite which captured imagery on photographic films, Landsat satellites carry sensors to collect electromagnetic radiation reflected from the ground. The imagery is composed of a matrix of pixels. Each pixel represents the amount of light within a spectral band reflected from the Earth's surface. Using various combinations of spectral bands, different techniques of image processing and enhancement as well as merging of different remotely sensed data, spectacular images can be generated to highlight particular features to facilitate interpretation and analysis.

Landsat-8 collects 8 multispectral bands of which 4 are visible and 4 are beyond visible. In additional, it also collects a panchromatic band and 2 thermal bands. An interactive tool to demonstrate band combinations is available on line at

Band Combination



Vegetation identification (Red in colour)


Mangrove distribution (Dark orange in colour)


Turbidity in reservoir (Light blue in colour)


Newly built-up area (White in colour)


「陸地衛星」在1972年首次發射時稱為「地球資源技術衛星」。在1995年,這一系列的地球觀測衛星改名為「陸地衛星」,隨後共有7顆衛星進入軌道。「5號陸地衛星」在1984年3月1日發射,收集30米分辨率的彩色圖像。「7號陸地衛星」在 1999年4月15日發射,能收集15米分辨率的全色圖像和30米分辨率的多光譜圖像。在2003年5月31日,該衛星的掃描線校正器失效,導致每景中約22%的數據丟失,儘管該衛星仍在運行中。「陸地衛星」在705公里的高度繞地球運行,並以相隔16天重訪同一地區。衛星收集一景的數據可覆蓋185公里×170公里的面積。

隨著「5號陸地衛星」於2013年初退役,並因「7號陸地衛星」是唯一在軌道上運作的衛星,「 8號陸地衛星」便於2013年2月11日發射,以確保「陸地衛星」數據可持續收集與供應。這顆衛重約2噸,在海拔705公里(438英里)的軌道上空運行,配有操作陸地成像儀(OLI)和熱紅外傳感器(TIRS)。 OLI收集15米分辨率的全色波段和30米分辨率的7個多光譜波段數據。 TIRS收集的2個熱能波段,分辨率原本是100米,但在交付的數據產品中重新調較至30 米。






植物辨別 (呈現紅色)


紅樹林分布 (呈現深藍色)


水庫混濁情況 (呈現淺藍色)


新的建成地區 (呈現白色)