Pearl River Delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
(Click on the image to show the area's boundaries)

Spectacular Flythrough over Greater Bay Area

The flythrough over the 9 cities and 2 Special Administrative Regions is created with SpacEyes3D software. The route of the flythrough is indicated on the map below. The flythrough will stop over each city for about 3 seconds and it will continue automatically.

High Resolution Satellite Images of
9 cities + 2 Special Administrative Regions of Greater Bay Area

The natural color and color infrared SuperView-1 satellite images below are distributed by SpaceWill Info. Co. Ltd.
They are available from Geocarto International Centre Ltd..
以下的 SuperView-1 真彩和彩色紅外衛星影像由北京航天世景信息技術有限公司分發。

Click on the images and see them in larger size!

Hong Kong 香港

Zhuhai 珠海

Jiangmen 江門

Foshan 佛山

Dongguan 東莞

Macau 澳門

Zhongshan 中山

Zhaoqing 肇慶

Guangzhou 廣州

Huizhou 惠州

Shenzhen 深圳